Hook, Sink, Box and Shelf

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Lynn’s Law is based on a simple idea.

Everyone deserves a little privacy in the restroom, right?6286632683_875ef53c45_z

Well, for some with some medical conditions–for example, people who have feeding tubes or ostomies–that privacy is not possible with the way public restrooms are currently designed.  Many people with these or other conditions must have someone accompany them in the stall.  All sense of dignity, independence and privacy are lost.

Lynn’s Law aims to change that with four simple measures: a hook near the toilet (not on the door which is too far away), a sink, a medical waste disposal box for used syringes, and a shelf.  That’s it.  Just a few simple things can give someone with a medical condition the simple freedom most everyone takes for granted: the bathroom is a private place! Check out the full text of the proposed legislation here (Don’t worry, we fit it all one on page.)